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Home > Technology > Software > Canvas > Connecting Echo 360 and Canvas Courses
Connecting Echo 360 and Canvas Courses
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This page will provide information on how to pair your Echo 360 and Canvas courses. Pairing these courses is required for students in the course to view the course content on Echo 360.


  1. Go to your course in Canvas that you want to link. Click on “Echo 360” on the left side while you are in the course, and you will be taken to the following screen.


2.  From there, select the appropriate term under “Term,” select your course name and code under “Course,” and select the section that comes up under “Section.”


You may have to begin typing your course code into the "Course" search bar to help narrow down the field of selections.


NOTE: If no section is available as an option, please double-check to make sure that the appropriate course has been selected for the term.




3. Once all three are selected, you will see the following screen:


4. Please make sure that "Link to the Section Home" is selected (it will show up as dark blue) and then click "Link Content." This will pair your class with Echo 360.


5. Once the Canvas course and Echo 360 course are paired, every time the students click “Echo 360” on your Canvas page, they will see a list of classes with dates and the resources for that class (the video and any paired documents).


NOTE: “Student view” will not allow you to view the student’s view of Echo 360, as Echo 360 is linked separately from their Canvas account. Once the course is linked, they will be able to access the list of classes.


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