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Home > Technology > Office365 > How to create a new form in Microsoft Forms
How to create a new form in Microsoft Forms
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Navigate to the Microsoft forms in your office 365 suite of apps on your computer in a supported web browser of your choice and create a new form like in the images below.

You can create widgets in your forms from the menu as in the image below.

There are many to choose from including multiple choices, star ratings, Dates and you can even upload files. Go ahead and tinker with the options given.

There are even more detailed settings for each options in the 'tripple dots' menu.

If you want to make the form more exciting for people to fill out, you can even change the theme! Try some!


You can even load a preview what your form or quiz will look like on mobile devices in case you want something to look a certian way.

And don't forget to have fun with the near limitless customization options of the Microsoft Forms program. Enjoy!

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