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Home > Technology > Windows > How to sign into the Edge browser using your Schreiner credentials
How to sign into the Edge browser using your Schreiner credentials
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  1. Open the new, updated Microsoft Edge Browser. (icon is NOT the blue letter "E")
  2. Once you open the application, if you are not prompted to sign in with your account please go to the top right corner of the browser and click the silhouette of a profile icon and select the Sign In option.
  3. You will get prompted with a couple options to sign in. Either select the first option which might already be your schreiner email or select the "Work or school account"
    1. If you need to select work or school account, enter your full schreiner email address and password to continue.
  4. Once you sign in, you might get prompted with this pop up. This is normal if you have possibly used your schreiner credentials to sign into an edge browser.
    1. If you would like to start fresh you can select keep my data 
    2. If you would like to merge the data (like bookmarks and history) select this option
  5. Once you select "Ok" you are all done and can confirm by now clicking your profile picture in the top and you will see that Sync will be on.
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